Saturday, January 11, 2025

all systems red

Ch 1

Yhe narrator is a murder bot and it's on a planet with some scientists.  Two of the scientists are attacked by a monstrous animal.  The murderbot saves them.  It is harmed pretty significantly and if it were a person it would be dead.  It might be a Borg kinda thing as it has biological matter and it will take 8 hours to heal.  Also its regulator has been damaged which I interpret as meaning it won't follow orders anymore. 

Ch 2 pg 25

Murderbot is awkward around people.  It mostly spends it's time watching TV and double checking supplies and surveys and whatnot.  It also spends all of it's time with armor on, which is why after its healed and is summoned and realized its armor needed to be repaired the crew is like, "who the fuck are you?" And it says its their secbot. They ask it why the monster wasn't in their survey pack.  It is able to realize that it was hacked and removed.  Probably before it was sent to them.  The murderbot doesn't have any sex organs.   The main purpose of the murderbot is for the insurance company to keep an eye on people and that makes the murderbot feel bad so it spends as much ch time away from people as it can.  But its required to be close to a member of the crew at all times or it will be deemed a deserter and destroyed remotely.   So when the crew calls to say they are going on a trip and murderbot says it should come along.

Ch 3 pg 39

The trip is to map out some sections of the planet that seem to have gone missing from the survey materials like the monster.  But what they find is that area has a lot of interference with their instruments so maybe it's just standard incompetence or laziness or what have you instead of them trying to hide something crappy for sales purposes as we expect happened with the monster.  Fun tidbit, murderbot was expecting to ride in the cargo hold, but instead the crew made them ride in the cabin and it was HORRIBLE!!!

Something worse is discovered on the trip.  There's a different company doing similar stuff on the other side of the planet and they have stopped returning communications.  Murderbot is pretty sure they're dead, but still talks their way into getting to go on the much longer trip to investigate. The murderbot seems to be programmed without any sense of self preservation. 

Ch 4
They get to the other camp and there's no activity. They go inside and find dead people.  I'm not sure exactly how but somehow murderbot figures out that this is the work of other murderbots.  Something about this and the realization that those murderbots might try to kill their people really pisses them off.  At this point i got real protective mom energy from our murderbot.  If you're familiar with the last Harry potter movie I'm specifically thinking of the not my daughter you witch spell that Molly Weasley uses to kill Bellatrix Lastrange.

They find a dead murderbot and based on the size of this camp they figure they have two other murderbots to deal with. 

And they do.  But then there are other murderbots that show up.  The team does their best to handle them and they all get away alive.  That is until murderbot realizes the offending murderbots had remote control implants and that in the fight one of the offending murderbots also fitted them with one.  They figure the remote controller will use them to kill their people.  So the murderbot commits suicide. 

Sunday, December 22, 2024

the mercy of gods

Ch 1 pg 3 David
There's a scholarship named Dafyd.  I'm calling him David from now on.  David likes a girl named Else who's boyfriend Tonnner is in charge of the project David works on.  But it's not like David is trying to get his boss's girlfriend cause David's Aunt is the HBIC in terms of who gets funding so David would be on whatever project she tells people he should be on.  David has a sort of go along get along attitude and likes to put people at ease.  But it's about God Damned time that he grew the duck up and started living up to his potential rather than spending all his time worrying that he wasn't making other people's lives easier.  His first step in doing so is staying at this work party and networking instead of going home like he wants to.  He heard a rumour that someone is trying to take over their department and he talks to Else about it.

Ch 2 pg 16 Jessyn

Jessyn is on David's team.   I gather she's an older lady.  They don't give ages but from the conversation it seems she's older than irynna and a guy named Nol is too.
Humans came to this planet 3000ish years ago through the ring gates.  But they don't know that.  What they know is the human biology and the native biology don't mix.  That is until now when their team cracked the code.
They're celebrating this achievement. Jessyn isn't anymore cause she's got am angry email from Tonner that just says we need to talk tomorrow.  There is a special place in hell for people like Tonner.

Ch 3 pg 23

Someone higher up has declared that the team is going to be split up.   Sounds to me like David should  have a talk with his aunt to see what she knows. Toner is convinced they have been betrayed.  

That's meaningless.  What matters is the girl listening in on their conversation while eating a sandwich.  She's been possessed by something she calls the swarm.  It's going to use her and then kill her and move onto another host.  This feels like the protomolecule alien magic.

Ch 4 pg 33
The betrayer is named Rickar.  Autocorrect will be referring to him as Richard if he's a going concern.  
Tonner feels bad.  Mostly cause he feels embarrassed. 

Ch 5 pg 42
The swarm has moved onto a new host and finds it still enjoys sweet pickles the way it's old host did.  As its host it introduces itself to someone named samar austad.
Some of the people on David's team talk about their meaningless lives.  It becomes meaningful when someone tells them that Samar Austad has been murdered.  Probably by whoever the swarm is currently inhabiting. 

Ch 6 pg 52
Samar was in charge of the group Richard was going to. So they don't really have to worry about their group getting broken up.  But they're also murder suspects. 
Also, that's additionally, more meaningless than I previously thought cause not only is the swarm a thing but there's things in space heading to their planet.  Probably space ships.

Part 2: catastrophe pg 71
It's an excerpt from a log where the writer says basically that the universe is cold and unfeeling so it's ok for them to be the same.

Ch 7 pg 73
This chapter is heckin fun.  It describes the invasion from the invaders side of things.  How they observe that we communicate with only a limited sonic and light spectrum. They are a hivemind and so they are interested in how we of the same species are not connected and how different people in different places are kind of doing the same stuff even though we are separated. 
The fun part is they've discovered another significant species. The way they describe it as mostly existing underground it's like an intelligent fungus.  I'm guessing this is what the swarm is.  The invaders aren't going to worry about them.
Makes me kind of excited about the idea of people and the swarm working together to defend their planet.
With the amount of communication the planet is sending to the invaders they kind of expect to be attacked by spaceships as they kinda figured out the people must have arrived here on spaceships. But no,  there aren't any space ships to attack them.  
But the people do shoot some nukes at them.  These are easily dealt with by the probes and don't make it anywhere near the ships.

Ch 8 pg 81

The invaders are like mini Thanos and say they'll only kill 1/8th of the population. We see one of the resesrch assistants on David's team die.  He describes it as being stung by a bee.

Ch 9
David is taken to be Corraled with other scientists after successfully hiding out for 5 days.  He meets one of the other lab assistants on his old project there.  Alien life exists and they are assholes.

Ch 10
David is caged up with a veritable who's who of the planet. They might be on a spaceship. The swarm is there and calls the invaders they great enemy. 

Ch 11
A group decides to fight the aliens.  It kinda works.  They successfully overpower one.  But then as it is nearing the end it kinda explodes poison on everyone nearby.  David is near by and has all his clothes melted off by the acid spray and has to be nursed back to health.

Ch 12 pg 131
They appear to be nearing the end of their spaceship journey.
The only interesting thing that happens is that Tonner is there and Else tells him she will be staying in her own room and he's all butt hurt about it. 
I view this as a win for David.

Part three puzzles pg 147
War is the way for the CarryX.  It doesn't matter if its unethical. To not be at war would be denying the truth of all life.

Ch 13 pg 149

Saturday, November 23, 2024

blood mirror ch 55 to the end.

Ch 55
Kip and his mind controlled animals are trying to steal some gunpowder.  It's a trap.  But they ( at least kip and the grizzly bear) make it out alive.  But if Karris's brother knows enough to set a trap it means kips whole sabotage thing isnt gonna work anymore.  They're gonna have to do war war now.

Ch 56
Teia has a chapter.  I didn't think anything interesting happened.  She still hasn't murdered anyone.

Ch 57
Gavin is still in prison and has a bad dream.

Ch 58

Teia does her murder

Ch 59
Kip us preparing for war.  Conn Arthur is the guy that can control a grizzly bear.  The dramatic reveal is he has a brother that can also do that.  He died and his grizzly bear is kinda running amuck. Kip has a two birds one stone idea to send him on a suicide mission.  Conn Arthur agrees to this.  Kip can't sleep but he can lie upon his wife's bussom and wait for the day to come.

Ch 60

Tiea is doing other stuff sneaking around after her murder.  She's killed the lady thats officially in charge but then she sneaks into the room of the magic lady thats really in charge and she's got ironfist chained to a wall.

Ch 61 pg 455
Gavin is in a black luxin cell.  He has a new imaginary fr8end that might be real.  This one isn't here to torture him.  It's here to comfort him.  Cause this is the last cell.  It's not meant to be escaped from to the next one.  This is it.  Gavin is fully trapped for good.  He's gonna die down here.

Ch 62
Teia kills ironfists sister even though he begs her not to.

Ch 63 pg 477
Liv"s dad's wife is gonna be assassinated tonight and she knows it and that's that.

Ch 64 pg 483
Kip does war.  He's outnumbered 2 to 1 but he wins cause that's what's in the script.  Funny part happens when a blue wight challenges him to a dual and kip just shoots him Indiana Jones style.

Ch 65 
Kip's grandfather has come to tell Gavin that it's time for him to die.  The imaginary friend is telling Gavin nows his chance to escape.  But he doesn't wanna kill anyone woth black luz8n cause it makes you forget.  Lots of fun reveals here.
1. Kips grandfather isn't his grandfather,  he's his dad.  We have a nice setup for an im your father scene if they wanna do that.
2. Dazen was Kip's grandfather's favorite son.  He didn't make him prism because prisms usually die in 7 years.
3. The whole plan with the war and everything was for Gavin to stab dazen with the blinding knife to take away his powers so they can restore him to sanity.

Kip's grandfather leaves Gavin down in the prison.  Presumably to kill him with poison later.

Ch 66 pg 511
Kip is doing after battle clean up.  There's lots of drama.

Ch 67 pg 521
Karris and teia talk about ironfist and the guy that requested teia be put on the mission.   Shit is all fucked up.

Ch 68
The guy that can control a bear has lost his will to fight. Maybe his will to live.  it's sad.  And there's infighting in kips army.

Ch 69
Gavin is talking to himself.  Or maybe it's a shadow of his former self or his brother's ghost or God.  And then Grinwoody shows up.  I'm personally hopeful that this is good since he's the head of the broken eye and ironfist's uncle.  But Gaven only knows him as kip's grandfather's (and actually kips dad) stooge.

Ch 70
Kip and the mighty argue about ethics until they get to wherever they're going and then kip gets on a horse to present himself to where ever it is they are.

Ch 71 pg 541

Friday, November 8, 2024

Sunday, October 13, 2024

the book of elsewhere

Ch 1 prologue
There's a group of armed men.  They get blown up by a suicide bomber.
Only named character is ulafson.
There's a shadowy figure that's watching all this.  He's so tired.

Ch 2 the doctors story pg 8
The doctor is dying.  Saddest part is his medicine smells so bad his dog won't go near him.  He reminisces about an old patient he had.  Doctor is a psychiatrist. The patient was a soldier and described killing and being killed and coming back and doing it all over again.
Wonder if this is ulafson.

Ch 3 signs of life pg 11
Two characters investigating the sight of a violent scene where a bunch of people died in the hidden back rooms of a machine shop.
Characters are named B and keever.  B is the main character and mentions Ulafson in his internal monologue.
In talking about the scene there's a report from above that there are life signs.  B starts digging through The bodies and tries to find the live people.  Keever tells b the whole site is unstable and they should gtfo and specifically uses the phrase "some of us can die" which makes me think b is like the doctors patient that I think is Olafson in that he can be brought back after dying and keever is not.

They find the alive guy.  His name is Thakka.  When they try to get him to talk, he only talks about his dog.

Ch 4 water ph 23
This is fun backstory about our immortal friend.  He's born, he's Hella violent until he dies.  Then he's born again.  You know how Davy crocket killed a bear when he was 3?  This guy did it before he was 1.he killed a leviathan.  Then the crew of that ship abandoned him.  He killed an entire city.  When he comes back this time he's hatched from an egg underwater and has to swim to the surface. 

This imortal warrior is named Unute.

Ch 5 new dark pg 34
B is Unute.  Something about this whole thakka situation has upset him and he has gone awol.  This is not new.  He does this.  The government is OK with it.  When you've got an immortal warrior on your side you let things slide.

Another fun thing about the Thakka situation is that technically he was dead before B went down there and then he came back to life.  Maybe immortality is infectious.

B comes back with some dead thing with hooves.

Sunday, October 6, 2024

the southern book club's guide to slaying vampires.

Prologue to ch 11

Authors note.  Pg 8
This author also wrote my best friends exorcism. That book is about children.  This book is about grown ass adults.  This I Dracula vs your mom.  Spoiler alert, Dracula doesn't stand a chance.

Prologue pg 10
Blood.  This book ends in it.  All of life starts with it.  All vampire books have blood.  As an added bonus this book also has an unremarkable group of house wives.  House wives that are gonna kill vampire(s). 

Ch1 pg 14

Patricia Campbell is part of a monthly book  club. I get the impression that it's big.  One person talks about the book while everyone else is just the audience. Today she's the talker .  90 minutes to book club and she hasn't read the book.  

Marjorie is the dictator of book club.  She has a fake democratic process by which she claims to have never heard of any book anyone else suggests and she presents 13 books she likes to vote on.

Patricia goes to book club even though she didn't red
Patricia ad the book.  She tries to make some stuff up but Marjorie sees through it pretty quickly. But it turns out nobody read the book.

While leaving kitty shrugs invites her to a true crime book club.

Ch 2 pg 24
Kitty stops by Patricia's house and there's a thing with Patricia's daughter and it shows us that kitty is cool.  So Patricia reads the book she didnt want to in three days and goes to kitty's book club.

It's fun, they're having fun.  Even though some of them have to lie to their shitty husband's.

Patricia's mother in law comes to live with them and it sucks.  But the troops rally and it's not so bad.

Ch 3 pg 40
They chitchat about the neighborhood. The most interesting part is there's a creepy van.

Ch 4 pg 48
Patriis attacked by old mrs savage taking out the trash.

Ch 5 pg 56
People in a small town talk a lot and fast.  Who needs the news when you've got a small town gossip.  The lady that bit off Patricia`s ear, she died.

Ch 6 pg 64
Patricia goes to the lady that bit her ear off's house to bring her nephew a casserole.   She finds him in his bedroom just lying there.  Yes not breathing.  She does CPR, she used to be a nurse.  He gets up and says GTFO.  She does.  He must be a vampire. 

Ch 7 pg 70
The vampire brings back Patricia's dish.  Mom calls him hoyt cause I guess that's the name he used when he was a vampire back in her day.

Ch 8
Patricia is helping vampire do all sorts of things like pay his water bill and change it to his name and open a bank account and she tells him about book club.

Ch 9 pg 94
Vampire comes to book club at Patricia's house and mom calls him hoyt again.  

Ch 10 pg 104

The vsmpire tries to kill mom but it doesn't work out 

Ch 11
Mom tells Patricia the story of hoyt pickens.  She starts by saying he killed her daddy.  He came down from the north and convinced her dad to invest more in his moonshine side hustle.  Also around the time kids go missing.  Hoyt pickens blames a black man and they bury him alive under the peach tree.  Then Hoyt disappears and every thing goes bad.

Ch 12
.Patricia goes to a party.
The vampire attacks mom with rats.
It's truly horrifying.
Also if you see her son, punch him in the face.

Ch 13 pg 133

Patricia and kitty go visit miss green. Fun revelation here i. The black town.  Kids are disappearing.  So thats who the vampire is eating.

Ch 14 pg 145
More details about the kids the vampire is feeding off of.
Vampire drives a white van.

Ch 15 pg 151
Revelation,  the black lady that is missing was the cleaning lady that Patricia saw at the vampires house. She calls ms green to ask if she'd be willing to talk to the lady's mom with her.  Ms green doesn't care for that lady.  But Sue's willing to do it if Patricia comes over right now.

Ch 16 pg 161
They go to a lady's house and her daughter is missing.  Patricia tells her to call the p9lice and to tell them she was taken by the vampire who is a drug dealer.  The lady kinda does that in that she calls the cops and says her daughter is missing. 

Ch 17 pg 168
Patricia goes looking for the girl and vampire in the woods.  She finds the vampire's van and she finds the vampire doing vampire shit to the girl.  She runs away and stumbles into the police.  She takes the police to the van but nobody is there.  They go back to the lady's trailer and the daughter is back in her room.
Patricia's husband shows up and they go home.

Ch 18 pg 179
The girl the vampire was feeding on was taken away by child protection services.  It sucks and Patricia's husband isn't willing to do anything to help.  Even though it was his mother Ms green was protecting from the eats the vampire sent.
The vampire comes over and they have cookies and Patricia apologizes for ratting him out to the cops.

Ch 19 pg 191
Patricia tells book club that the vampire is a drug dealer.  At first nobody wants to hear it.  But then kitty and others back her up.  Grace is 100% against this.

Grace calls Patricia to tell her she found where the vampire is stashing his van.  Book club is working to take down the vampire they think is a drug dealer.

Ch 20 pg 202
Patricia claims to be having book club and tries to get rid of her family.  But her daughter bails on her sleep over and ruins everything.   But she tells her to stay in her room.  Why?  Because some book club people are coming over but also cops are coming over so they can talk to them about the vampire. 

Also, Patricia's husband that was supposed to do dinner and a movie with their son comes home.

Ch 21 pg 207

It's not just Carter it's all their shitty unsupportive husbands.  They're all cozy with the vampire because he's invested money with them.  And their shitty.husbands not only don't support them but they've brought the vampire abd they make them apologize and he forces himself into their bookclub full time.

Ch 22 pg 219
Patricia goes to Grace's house and tells at her.  Ms green is working for uer now. 
Patricia goes home and drinks a bottle of prozak.

Ch 23 pg 230
Patricia wakes up in the hospital. hate her cause of the suicide attempt and her husband because he isn't getting the promotion he wants.

Three years later...

Ch 24 pg 240
We're living in a post-apocalyptic book club.  The men are in it and they read the sorts of books that dads read.  The vampire is thoroughly entrenched in everything. They listen to rush limbaugh on the radio and read James Patterson books.  So gross.

Ch 25 pg 250
Their little nazi kid throws a fit and runs away to the vampire's house.

Ch 26 pg 260
Patricia has a visit from her mother in law's ghost and it tells her to go to Ursula green.  She has an old picture of the vampire. 
Ch 27 pg 266
Patricia goes to ms green and sees the picture and its absolutely the vampire. 

Ch 28 ch 275
Patricia goes to slick to show her the photo.
Fun thing, slick is having am anti Halloween party to praise the lord.  Its gonna be Martin Luther themed.
We get a little more back story on mom, she lived upstate. So vampire didn't come back to the scene of the crime.  Mom just was in the wrong place sat the wrong time and that's why he killed her with rats.

Ms green also gave Patricia other evidence.  Patricia tells slick the plan is ms green is gonna clean the vampires house while the men are all away.  Patricia is gonna go through his house to find definite evidence. 

Like a real moron, she leaves all the evidence with Slick.

Ch 29 pg 282
Patricia goes to jmthe vampires house while Ms green is cleaning it and goes into the attick and finds the dead body of Francine in a suitcase.
Problem, the Vampire has come home early.

Ch 30 pg 292
The cleaning ladies leave and in an amazing display of grit and determination Patricia hides in the attic under old boxes and blankets and what not while all sorts of vermine that live there crawl all over her.  She eventually can't stand it and gets out from under but by then vampire has stopped looking for her.  She just sorta waits and listens for 7 hours hoping he'll leave and she can escape. 
She pieces together that slick must have ratted her out.
 Eventually she hears the attic door open again and she expects doom.

Ch 31 pg 300
It's not doom.  It's kitty.
This chapter is tense.  The reason vampire left is the housing development everyone is investing in is on fire.  Ms green set that fire and called kitty to save Patricia. Kitty wants to gtfo but Patricia has shit to do.  First she has to show kitty Francines body.  Then she's gotta clean up after herself so vampire doesn't have definite proof she was up in the attic. They're about to leave and Patricia decides she's gotta go back up until the attic to get Francine 's drivers license.  They slip out the back just as vampire comes home.

Ch 32 pg 306

Patricia has a plan.  She's gonna slip francine's id into vampires wallet and then call the cops and tell them while drunk he told her he killed Francine and stuffed her in a suitcase in his attic and showed her the id.  

But before that it's Halloween.  This book is set in the 90s and one popular costume that year was the teenage mutant ninja turtles.  Did you know that the teenage mutant ninja turtles are not historical lyrics accurately named.  If they were it would be more like this...

Donatello leads,  Leonardo does machines.  Michaelangelo is cool but rude.  Eric Botteron is a party dude.

Slick calls.  She just keeps saying "I didn't make a sound"  Patricia helps her strip and get into the shower. there's some sort of black goo coming out of her vagina.   She says,  if he did this to me,  imagine what he's going to do to you.

Ch 33 pg 316
Slick didn't rat out Patricia. What she did was call vampire and threaten to expose him.  That's why vampire came home early but didn't confront Patricia directly. He suspects she was snooping but because she cleaned up her tracks her doesn't really know what happened. 
Why is slick basically nonresponsive and disheveled?  Because the vampire raped her and said if she made a sound he would kill her family. 
Patricia goes home.  Her son says he's been at the vampires house since 7:30 and he was there the whole time.

Ch 34
Slick is in the hospital. Everyone goes to  visit, which includes vampire. Patricia ak
Sks vampire for a ride home.  She leaves franxones id in his car.
Later that night Patricia finds vampire feeding on her daughter.

Ch 35
Vampire calls to tell Patricia that it's all good and he's not a vampire and her daughter likes it.
Patricia calls ms green and invites her to book club.

Ch 36
Everyone in the book club except for grace is in to do something about the vampire. Looking forward to seeing what that is.

Ch 37
Patricia gives herself to the vampire. She says to buy her children more time.  Vampire is gonna kill her husband and take his place.  But for now they get naked and he feeds on her.  It starts with the worst pain and goes to her greatest pleasure. 

Ch 38
Patricia unlocked vampires front door before the feeding.  Kitty Mary Ellen and Mrs green attack vampire with a baseball bat, knife and hammer respectively. Kitty is the one that does all the damage.  Mary Ellen is completely useless and while mrs green tries, she doesn't accomplish much.  Theyve got him on the floor with a knife through his spine.  Now they need a cooler for some reason.

Ch 39
Due to the knife in his spine vampire can't really move.  But he can talk a lot.  Begging for his life and promising favors and swearing his kind will get revenge if he disappears. And all the while the ladies cut him up into pieces and put those pieces into garbage bags.
Then the door rings.

.ch 40
This whole thing is based around the plan that the football game will keep everyone else busy so they can do their dark work.   But there's less than an hour or so for them to do it.  They might not have enough time to handle things with the best of circumstances and now they gotta deal with whoever is at the door.
But it's Grace cause of course it is.  She's here to help.
Kitty and marry Ellen deal with the vampires body parts and mrs green and grace clean up the place.
Grace takes Patricia to her house and covers for her with Carter.

Ch 41
Patricia asks for a divorce
They go get their daughter
They had a dog named raging
And then he died
Got real emotional at that part
Ch 42

Epilogues be Epiloguing.
They don't necessarily live happily ever after. But they slayed the vampire and that's good enough for Patricia. 
Let God be thanked that all has not been in vane.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

something wicked this way comes

Prologue page 1
June is the best month.  This story takes place in October.

Ch 1 pg 5
Jim is a boy with brown hair and green eyes and a man tells hum his house is gonna get struck by lightning and gives him a lightning rod.
Will is a boy with blonde hair and is taking this all very seriously. 
Jim, not so much.  And even if it is serious,  what's so bad about dying in a fire?

Ch 2 pg 12
They nail up the lightning rod and go to the library. Will's dad works at the library and he is old.

Ch 3 pg 17
I listened to an audio book version of this.  It was done like a radio drama.  I don't remember this chapter being in there at all.  It's all wills dad's internal monologue and I FUCKING LOVE IT!!!!!

Will's dad is a sad man.  He wishes he could go running through the night like will and Jim do.  He thinks about the differences between Will and Jim.  Wills just running cause running is fun.  Jim is a little more purposeful about it.  Jim knows life is unfair so when he falls down he doesn't just brush himself off and start running again he looks around for the other punch in the face life is about to deliver. Will is constantly asking why bad things happen.  Jim just knows they're gonna happen and Hope's the next thing isn't worse.  

Will's dad take his sad self to his sad bar and drinks his one sad drink.

Ch 4 pg 20
This town shuts down at 9 and it shuts down fast.  The only people they run into on way home are the cigar store man, who just stands there with his mouth open and the barber shop guy who is crying because he smells cotton candy and it makes him sad for his lost childhood.  He and wills dad should hang out and be sad together. 

Ch 5 pg 24
Will's dad leaves the bar and suddenly has a feeling like Chris Mason time.  He sees a man plastering a sign for the carnival and it says my side is there.

Ch 6 pg 28
Jim and Will climb a tree to get a view of the carnival.  What they see is a stage where people are taking off their clothes and prancing about all nimble bimbly.  Will climbs down and convinces Jim to come down after a while.  Then Jim calls Will a Baptist.  Sick burn 🔥 

Ch 7 pg 31
They find a flier for the carnival and it sounds cool.

Ch 8 pg 34
Will's mom isnt dad like his dad.  She's pretty happy.  She enjoys being a mother.

Ch 9 pg 40
Jim is an only child.  His dad is dead and he had two siblings but they're dead too.  He tells his mom he's never gonna have kids.

Ch 10
The lightening rod salesman sees the most beautiful woman in the world frozen in a block of ice.

Ch 11 pg 46
The carnival comes to town at 3 am.  Jim goes to see it and will foll9ws.

Ch 12 pg 49
The boys watch the carnival ger set up

Ch 13 pg 55
Wills sad old dad sees will and Jim run home at 3 am.

Ch 14 pg 57
Sad wills dad sits there on his bed and repeats the word 3 over and over again.  He has sad thoughts that are sad.

Ch 15 pg 61
The boys go to the fair.  Ms Foley goes into the mirror maze and sees a younger version of herself drown in the ocean.

Ch 16 pg 68
They do fair stuff. At sunset Jim disappears.  Will finds him coming out of the mirror maze and Jim doesn't wanna talk about it.  Will is mad at Jim but it doesn't really matter cause Jim knows he can kinda do whatever and will will always be there.

Ch 17
They find the lightning rod salesmans bag.  Jim is excited to do the fair while everyone else goes home for dinner.

Ch 18 pg 72
The boys try to go on the merry go round.  But it has an put of order sign.  After they leave they climb a tree and they see a man go on the merry go round backwards and he gets younger.

Ch 19
The boys follow the man that's a boy now and he goes to their teachers house.  That's not her nephew, that's a man baby!!!!

Ch 20
The boys have an idea to call their teacher.  But their parents are so mad that they stayed out so late they get sent to bed with no dinner.  They sure wouldn't be allowed to use the phone.
Will's dad doesn't know what to say to.him.  so he just says be careful. 
He's too old to relate to a child.  He wishes he had never had a kid.  

Ch 21 
The boys sneak out at 10:30.  Technically Jim sneaks out and will follows him.  But also there's this thing about a bridge that if you jump on it, you can make music.  Theyve used it to let the.other one know they're gonna go somewhere. Will thought he heard Jim playing music on it.  Maybe someone else did that and that's why Jim left without will cause he thought it was will doing it.

Ch 22 pg 96
They go to the teachers house.  The nephew has stolen hwe jewelry and used i to frame will and Jim for burglary. He rules.  These kids are in way over their heads.  The teacher sees them and they run away like the idiot children they are.

Ch 23
Carousel. Nephew gets on.  It goes forward and for reasons I don't understand he stays on it until he's dead.

Ch 24
The boys call the cops.
They go to the freak tent.  
This makes no sense.  Why didn't they go to the Carousel?  That's where they saw the nephew die.  
The nephew is now part of an electric chair thing.  He gets electricity cuted and he comes to life and talks very slowly.
The cops are satisfied and they leave.

Ch 25
Teacher calls dad at the library and tells him to meet her at the police station. 

Ch 26
The boys lie to the police and tell them they live near the station and they get dropped off at some random.hoise.  then for some reason they walk to the p9lice station where they see dad and teacher.  And say hi.

Ch 27
Dad walks will home.  Will promises to tell him everything in a few days.  This is a mistake.  He should tell him now.  Dad is cool as he'll.  As he'll.

Ch 28
Dad and will talk about goodness.  Being good is a fearful occupation. 

Ch 29
An air balloon with the dust witch from the freak show comes by.  She paints the top of  they spray off the paint with the hose.

Ch 30 pg 146
Jim and Will lure the baloon to an abandoned house and try to shoot it with a bow and arrow.  The bow br3aks.  Will throws the arrow at the Ballon and it Rios a hole. The balloon retreat 

Ch 31
The rest of the night is uneventful 

Ch 32
Dawn comes. It's raining.  They in rain coats.  They find a little girl.  The little the teacher.  They figure she got backwards Carousel'd. They go toward the Carousel to find out.  But a carnival parade goes by and they hide.  They go back to find teacher and she's gone.  They think the carnival parade got her. 

Ch 33 163
Will calls home and tells his dad they gotta hide out and won't come.home for a day.or two and not to worry or try to find them.

Ch 34
The boys are hiding out in a sewer grate.

Ch 35
Dad kicks ass.  He finds will and Jim and the carnival man, with the witch in tow, comes by asking about will and Jim and dad, through a series of words and acts, convinces carnival man to fuck off.  Feeling a little emboldened he tells carnival man his name and that he works at the library. There's a very come fuck around and find out vibe to this.

He tells the boys to stay hidden and meet him at the library at 7.

Ch 36
Lightning rod man has somehow become a dwarf working for the carnival. He goes to the grate where the boys were hiding.  But they're not.ther3 anymore.

Ch 37

Dad is at the library but 7 comes and no will no Jim.

Ch 38
The boys eventually make it to the library. 

Dad has been doing some research. This carnival ain't new.  It's run through town before.  1908 1880 1840.  It's the autumn people and they're up to no good.

Ch 39

Dad's theory boils down to the carnival people being able to live forever because they use the Carousel every now and then to shave off a year.  But how does the Carousel work?  It's fueled by the pain of the people in the towns they go through.

Ch 40

Lots more talk about sin and pain and how the carnival might operate. 

Ch 41 pg 209
Carnival man shows up.  All of dad's knowledge doesn't really seem to be useful here. Carnival man asks for the boys.  Tells dad how easily he could kill him.  Carnival man says he will make.him young if he gives up.the boys.  Dad says no.  Carnival man starts to walk about calling for the boys.

Ch 42 pg 213

Carnival man finds the boys. 

Ch 43 pg 219
Dad tries to fight carnival man, but it doesn't go well and he's taken away with the dust witch and the boys are taken away by carnival man.

Ch 44 pg 225

Dust witch tries to give dad the heart attack carnival man threatened.  Somehow his nihilism wins the day and he's all fuck you witch, you know what you're doing and he starts laughing at her and somehow fire is involved and she runs away and he heads to the drug store for pain meds.

Ch 45 pg 233
The carnival man marches the boys through town. He's controlling them somehow.  He makes them smile and say pleasantries with towns folk as they walk about.

Ch 46 pg 238
They get back to the carnival and they're gonna a end the night with the witch doing the catch a bullet in your teeth trick.  I don't get why.  How is this gonna benefit the carnees?  Anyway,  they ask for a volunteer to do the gun shooting and nobody wants to.  They're about to end things and dad shows up to volunteer.

Ch 47 pg 241
Dad had a bad lefthand. So he needs help.  He calls for will. The whole crowd calls for will.  Will comes out of the mirror maze.  

Ch 48 pg 250
They do the trick and the witch dies.
They go into the mirror maze to find Jim.
The mirrors show you stuff youre afraid of.  Dad is getting a bit overwhelmed by increasingly older reflections of himself.
The lights go out.  Dad is happy cause he can't see the reflections of his old ass anymore.

Ch 49 pg 254
Will lights a match.  Dad loses his shit and puts the match out.  Will lights another one and before dad can protest will saves the day with love.  "I don't care how old you are dad.  I love you."  Fuck yeah!!!!

Ch 50 pg 257
Dad laughs again and somehow this results in all the mirrors shattering. 

Ch 51 pg 261

They go to the Carousel and they see the freaks and Jim.  Wills is all oh no, they got Jim.  Dad in a moment reminiscent of rhorshock from mystery men is all, no, we got them.  Will loves his dad and so do I.  But will doesn't get it and hes hella scared.

Carousel shenhannegans ensue. How many times did jim go around before will got him off?  Is Jim ok?  Did he die falling off the Carousel?

Ch 52 pg 270
Will is trying to wake Jim.  It's not working.  Another boy comes along and he needs help.  Carnival man is after him.  Dad goes with the boy to help.  But dad figures out the scheme.  The boy is carnival man.  Dad tears his shirt off and boy is covered in tattoos just like carnival man.  Somehow dad's goodness is a powerful weapon against the evil carnival man.

Ch 53 pg 275
Something happens with carnival man.  And then he died.  With the boss dead, the freaks all leave.
Sad part, Jim is dead too.

Ch 54 pg 
Dad realizes Jim isn't dead.  But the carnival is sucking the life out of him.  And will's sadness is part of the problem.  Dad smacks will around a bit and tells him to sing and dance and laugh and it works.  Their silliness brings Jim back.  And they all lived happily ever after.  Or maybe not.  Maybe the next threat is here already and its even worse.